sometimes, you are a bird.

aureleo sans is a flamingo. she is also a Colombian-American, non-binary, queer poet and writer with a disability. she grew up mostly homeless in Miami, Barranquilla, Atlanta, St. Petersburg, and Phoenix before settling down in San Antonio, where she currently lives. her family limboed far below the poverty line until she escaped to chase the American Dream Unfulfilled.

she has been named a Tin House Scholar, a Periplus fellow, a Sewanee Writers Conference scholar, an American Short Fiction Summer Workshop fellow, a VONA alumnus, and a Lambda Literary fellow. she is an associate editor at Shenandoah, an assistant editor at Cheap Pop, and a flash fiction reader at Split Lip.

she was named the second-place winner of Fractured Lit's 2021 Micro Fiction Contest, a longlister for the 2021 CRAFT Short Fiction Prize, and a semi-finalist for the 2021 American Short Fiction Halifax Ranch Prize. she has been nominated for the Pushcart Prize, Best Microfiction, and Best Small Fictions, and her work has been appeared in Electric Literature, Shenandoah, Salamander, the 2023 Best Microfiction Anthology, the Wigleaf Top 50, and elsewhere.

aureleo is presently working on

two projects:

  • THE GLORIOUS POOR, a novel in stories set in a housing project community confronting the specters of gentrification, violence, and erasure.

  • FLAMINGO, a speculative memoir about shapeshifting and legacy or rather, what is left behind in the wake of intergenerational poverty and trauma.